The Power lies in the right mixture When using oelheld cooling lubricants the mixture is always right
The "water solutions" by oelheld are polynary mixtures characterized by their
intelligently matched ingredients.
Whether they contain components classified according to TRGS 611 (technical
rules for dangerous substances) or whether they are completely free of amines,
they are ideal cooling lubricants for your special requirements in the metal
processing industry.
Water soluble concentrates by oelheld can be used in almost all types of metal
processing. Be it cutting procedures such as turning, drilling, milling, grinding
etc. or a forming process without chip formation, we will have the right mixture
for every task.
The great variety of work materials involved requires that the ideal cooling lubricant
is chosen. In this field, oelheld has mastered the most highly developed production
techniques to compose, out of the different ingredients, the most suitable product
for the relevant type of processing.
Last but not least: a careful choice of high quality ingredients guarantees the
highest possible compatibility for man and machine.