Dielectric IME 63: Dielectric IME 63 is extremly thin-bodied and has a particularly low
surface tension. It is especially suitable for very fine work, where the least possible overcut
is required.
Dielectric IME 82: Dielectric IME 82 combines high metal removal with low elctrode wear,
which makes it particularly suitable for general use in manufacturing tools and moulds. Even
rough cut operations using and electric current of up to 1000 amps can be carried out with
this dielectric.
Dielectric IME 110: Dielectric IME 110 is always used when a flash point of over 100°C is
required for safety reasons, while simultaneously much finishing work still has to be done.
Dielectric IME 126: Dielectric IME 126 is characterised by very high metal removal and is
particularly suited for rough cut operations, such as the manufacture of forging dies. For
finishing it can only be used if the best possible flushing conditions are ensured.
IonoVit Dielectric: The dielectrics of the IonoVit series are special media suitable for use
in spark erosion fast hole drilling machines. They are non-combustible, free of mineral oils and
they contain neither chlorine- or heavy metal compounds nor formaldehyde.
| IonoGrind multifunktion fluid: |
Grinding and rotation erosion with one and the same machine. This saves time and money.
oelheld has developed the right fluid for the job: IonoGrind.
IonoGrind is a multifunctional fluid that is equally suitable for spark erosion and as a
grinding oil. It has been designed for use in combination machines (two-in-one-systems)
and unites the advantages of a high performance dielectric for a high rate of metal removal
and good surface quality with a high-speed grinding oil that produces very little foam
and vaporisation
IonoGrind is the right medium for eroding and grinding polycrystalline diamonds, HSS
and hard metals since its special composition means that cobalt leaching is minimised.
extremly high degree of abrasion
highest surface quality
minimum degree of electrode wear
cobalt leaching minimised
high degree of efficiency for grinding
polychrystalline diamonds
After long years of research oelheld introduces an entirely new, powerful concept into
dielectrics: IonoPlus IME-MH. Unlike conventional mineral oil products, this combination
of highly refined synthetic products is enriched with satellite electrodes in a special
blending process. As a truly universal dielectric, IonoPlus IME-MH is suited for all
operations from the finest finishing processes to the most effective rough cut. Besides
having the best possible effectiveness in flushing and the greatest possible disruptive
strength, it offers a whole series of unique advantages.
Improved surface quality
Satellite electrodes bring about an optimal distribution of discharge.
Best possible dispersing capacity
Swift dispersion of waste particles helps actively to prevent burn spots from forming
Extremly high degree of abrasion
Greater resistance to electrode wear
Macromolecules surround the electrode like a protective grid.
Shining results in the polishing process
Within a minimum amount of time a surface roughness ofless than 0,1µ can be achieved.
Minimum degree of electrode wear
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