Waterjet cutting bricks are specially designed to assist in the cutting of difficult parts. Made from a unique HDPE, the bricks are manufactured specifically for the waterjet cutting industry. The bricks are designed with laminated flute pattern which minimizes splash-back while draining water and debris away quickly and effectively.
1) Flexibility
Works well with abrasive and straight waterjet cutting.
2) Better Looking Parts
Eliminates spray-back that can mark the underside of parts being cut.
3) Cleaner Cutting Area
Draws water and abrasive away from cutting surface.
4) Part Retention
Corrugation keeps parts on the surface while drawing water away.
5) Corrosion FREE Cutting Surface
Made from HDPE plastic.
6) Versatility
Works with a variety of materials.
7) Efficient and Lightweight Handling
Easy to change and rotate (11.4 lbs./brick).
Available in black and white: Dimentions are 4x6x48